
Brachiosaurus Paper Plate Art

Date: 6th May 2014
Day: Tuesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm      
Class: Pomegranate      
Theme: Walking with Dinosaur
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Brachiosaurus Paper Plate Art

I had shown the children the Brachiosaurus paper plate art that I did earlier. Therefore, the children are looking forward to do this paper plate art.

I prepared the following materials for this art:-
1) one paper plate each
2) some green colour paint (the children requested that their Brachiosaurus to be in green)

First, the children needed to paint the whole paper plate in green. I didn’t expect that this activity will take up the whole 45 minutes even though I had already prepared 5 paint brushes for them to take turns.

The children only managed to colour their paper plate today. We have to continue with tomorrow. 

