Date: 12th February 2015
Day: Thursday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: Occupations
Teacher: Teacher Yeong
Art and Craft: Fire Fighter Helmet (Part III)
The helmet looked plain. Therefore, I printed out the fire fighter logo and prepared some bright yellow paper for the children to continue with the art work of the helmet.
I also demonstrated how to cut it and how to paste it onto the helmet. This helped the children to visualise the outcome of it. It does help. The children could do it accordingly.
After most of the children had done with it, they started to wear the helmet and go around the classroom to be a fire fighter putting out the fire. They are so cute!
Li Chiuan |
Aiden |
Chloe |
Jing Heng |
Qiao Yi |
Yong Jun |
Leow Xun |
Zhi Yi |
Suzanne |
Lucas |
Eugene |
Xiang Qin |
Shang En |
Xiao Xuan |