
Preparation of Board Game Making (Part II)

Date: 25th May 2015
Day: Monday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Zoo Animals
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Preparation of Board Game Making (Part II)

Today, we continued with what we left from last Friday. I had prepared the pictures of the animals that the children had mentioned. I distributed it to the groups. I wanted the children to discuss of the places where they want and the content of it.

Today, I only managed to work with two groups of children while the other group will have to wait till tomorrow.

Basically, I guided the children to put the animals in order and then, we also discussed about the content. Most of them were suggested by the children themselves while some I modified it a little. For example, for one of the group, they chose a bird. Aiden said the bird pecked him and he has to move two steps backward.

The children said they might want to look for a dice from home to play with the game tomorrow.

