Date: 8th August 2016
Day: Monday
Time: 4:00-5:30 pm
(Snack Time: 4:00-4:30 pm)
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Stage Performance - Transportation
Teacher: Ms Yeong
Books on airplane, bicycle
Today, I shared 2 books with the children. First, I shared a book on airplane - Away in My Airplane by Margaret. This is a pretty simple to read book. I believe after I have read it to the kids, they could try to read it on their own.
After that, I wanted to read another book on bicycle. Yet, before I do that, I get the children to share their experience in learning to ride a bicycle. Zi Yue, Sueanne and Lik Shin came out to share their experience. They admitted that learning to ride takes a lot of courage and practise yet, they were very happy now that they could ride on their own without much help. This makes some kids envy especially for those who were still on training wheels.
Then, I shared the book - Everyone can learn to ride a bicycle by Chris Raschka.
In order to come out with a performance related to transportation, I hinted to the children that they could use any of the transport song that I have taught them. However, after some discussion, they decided to make some changes to the dinosaur rhymes that I have taught them previously.
I only suggested some, most of the wordings were suggested by the children themselves. Here is the modified version of the rhymes that they could play with it later in the future:
Five little transports sitting on a road,
The first car said, "Let's go by wheels."
The second bus said, "Let's beep, beep, beep!"
The third truck said, "It's time to load,"
The fourth bike said, "Let's vroom, vroom, vroom."
The fifth van said, "Let's go!"
We shall find a time to have this practise and act it as our stage performance for the theme of transportation.