
Caboose Game

Date: 19th March 2013
Day: Tuesday
Time: 4:30 – 5:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Happy, Happy Transportation – Caboose Game

Today, the children were very excited as they were ready to play the Caboose Game that I had introduced yesterday. After we had revised the type of freight train that I had made into a poster, I got the children to get ready for the outdoor game. This time, I set some rules for the children before they begin. Eventually, the children can follow most of the rules I set.

The game lasted for 3 rounds where children took their turn to become the train engine and the caboose. Unfortunately, some matters happened in between so we have to call off the game earlier.

We are ready for the Caboose Game!

Review of the game:

Teacher: Did you enjoy the game?
Children: Yes, we enjoy the game.
Teacher: Did all of you follow the train engine?
(Most of them nodded their head, only a few shook their head)
Teacher: Why you didn’t follow the train engine? He/She will protect you from the caboose?
Children: He/She runs too fast.
Children: I don’t know where my train is.
Teacher: The train engine has to make sure your line is following behind you. This is call co-operation.

I used this chance to remind them about co-operation. Without co-operation, teamwork will not be successful. I also reminded them that the train making tomorrow will be based on team work as well. So make sure they remember this. On the other hand, those children who had not bring any materials for the train making; kindly remember to bring it tomorrow. 

