
It's play dough time (part II)

Date: 22nd August 2013
Day: Thursday
Time: 3:30-4:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

It’s Play Dough Time (Part II)

As I observed yesterday that the children seems not satisfied with the duration given to play with the play dough. Further more the children had already took their portion of play dough back home. So today, I found some other colours play dough that the school has for the children to continue with the interest with it.

The day before I was too busy guiding and handling those children’s sticky play dough and I didn’t actually participate together with them. Therefore, today I choose to play with them. I sat down at one of the group to observe and play with them. I find that through this way, the children will be more motivated into making model of things out from the play dough especially for those children who are shy or has no idea at all.

With my participation, I find that those children who were just staring at first, started to come out with ideas of things to make. I guess that the reason why most of the expert said that parents have to be with their children when they play. Not just to accompany them but to guide them and motivate them in every way.

All the children had a good time kneading, rolling, making models out of the play dough. We shall move on to our last colour – purple by next week and that shall end our colour theme. 

