
Video Sharing : BBC Documentary about Humpback whale

Date: 20th January 2014
Day: Monday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: Underwater World
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Video Sharing : BBC Documentary about Humpback whale

Kwan Ming brought an alphabet book about sea mammal. We went through the book from A-Z of the name of the sea mammal that named after it. Example, E is for elephant seal etc. It’s an interesting book about names of sea mammal.

I believe the children still have a very weak impression of the whale as most of us have not really seen it with our own eyes. Therefore, I played a video that shared about humpback whale.

After watching the short video about humpback whale, I also played a 15 minutes video about killer whale. The children got quite excited especially when they noticed that the killer whale is about to catch some penguins and fish for their food.  

