
Video Watching – Under the Sea

Date: 2nd April 2014
Day: Wednesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm      
Class: Pomegranate      
Theme: Underwater World
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Video Watching – Under the Sea

This is a video downloaded by Cikgu Tee. However, she couldn’t remember exactly where she found that, therefore, I couldn’t provide any online link for this. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

From this beautiful video named “Under the Sea” by Warner Brothers, it showed the colourful underwater world. The children were amazed to see other kinds of different sea creatures besides shark, whale or dolphin in it.

In this video, the children could see how a cuttlefish hunt for its food, how a frogfish looked like, how does a sea snake swim in the water etc.

At the same time, I also wanted to bring in the issue of protecting the underwater world.

Teacher: Look at the ocean. Look at all these corals, are they beautiful?
Kwan Ming: Yes.
Teacher: How could we protect it?
Chloe: Don’t let the shark eat the fish.
Kern Ee: The sea lion is so cute!

Parents could have some casual discussion with your children about the ocean and how it related to us. 

