

Date: 27th June 2014
Day: Friday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm      
Class: Pomegranate      
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong


By referring to the food pyramid, the children could see that there’s a large portion of food at the bottom of the food pyramid. I told them that those are the food that we could take daily. Most of the food contains carbohydrates. Carbohydrates give energy.

Teacher: Food that contains carbohydrates are usually starchy such as rice, flour, pasta etc.
Children: I like pasta.
Teacher: We could cook pasta one day. (There were so “yes” and “no” from the floor. I guess some might not like pasta.)
Teacher: Rice is our daily food. Do you know where we got rice from?
Children: From tree. (I drew a picture of a paddy)
Derek: Paddy.
Teacher: Yes, the rice we ate came from the paddy field. (I believe not many of them been to a paddy field.)
Chloe: 4 years old we have paddy. (I remembered their teacher brought in paddy to show them last year.)
Teacher: Usually you will feel full after eating rice, bread or pasta.

Video sharing: How Rice Made

In the video, the children could see how a paddy field looks like. Besides that, the children could recognize the animal – a buffalo that helped in the paddy field. In the video, it also showed how the rice was being harvested, dried and processed. 

