Date: 12th July
Day: Friday
Time: 3:30-4:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong
I went out for a field trip
with the other class, therefore, there’s no blog update for 11th
July. We did our lemonade on Wednesday. I kept all the squeezed lemon in the
fridge. I sliced the all the lemon that we used the other day so that they
children could do a lemon printing today.
The rule is that they could
use any colours to create their own picture. Before we start, I used the three
primary colours : red, yellow and blue to do colour mixture and create another
3 colours out of it. As a result, the children have 6 colours: red, yellow,
blue, green, purple and orange to do their painting. It is also a revision for
the children about colour mixture.