
Yellow, Yellow, Yellow

Date:9thJuly 2013
Day: Tuesday
Time: 3:30-4:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Yellow, Yellow, Yellow

Yesterday the children had already voted for a new colour to be learned. The children suggested quite a few colours such as red, pink, purple, yellow, black etc. However, most of the children voted to learn about yellow. So this week we shall move into yellow colour.

Today, we did a brainstorming session about things in yellow. We started with animals, followed by fruit or vegetables. These were the things that the children mentioned:

Animal: lion, leopard, giraffe, duckling, baby chick, duck

Fruit or Vegetables: lemon, banana, star fruit, pineapple (fresh), durian (fresh), apple (fresh – pale yellow)

Coincidence, I have a lemon to show it to the class. Jia Jia’s parents put some lemon slices in her water bottle, she also shared it with us. Besides that, I had some dry corn cob; I showed it to the children. They excitedly shouted out, “Corn”

Teacher: What’s the colour of the corn?
Children: Yellow.

Game – Who has gone with the wind
It’s had been quite a while we didn’t play this game. The children asked if they could play this. Since today, many of them were wearing all sorts of colours, it would be interesting. So the game ended the class for today.

Home work for children:

1)      To find a yellow thing from home to share with their fellow classmate
2)      To ask if they could take honey as a drink or not (I wish to make honey lemon juice)

