

Date: 10th July 2015
Day: Friday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Zoo Animals
Teacher: Teacher Yeong


Today we moved on to learn another zoo animal - rhinoceros. We read through the encyclopedia about rhinoceros. We learned that there are a few species of rhinoceros but there are still some common facts about them.

Rhinoceros have thick skin with folds with short thick legs. They also have horns on their snout.

Then, I played them a video about rhinoceros.

From the video, the children learned that:-
- rhinoceros is the 2nd largest land mammal after elephant
- rhinoceros means nose horn
- rhinoceros graze on grass
- rhinoceros moves in groups called crash or herd
- a young rhinoceros is called calf

Video Sharing- Rhino - Animal for Children

