

Date: 24th February 2014
Day: Monday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: Underwater World
Teacher: Teacher Yeong


We shall go in to another kind of underwater world creature. This time, we shall touch a little on this marine mammal where the children might be interested to learn. Before we move in too deeply, I showed them some facts about seal through the power point that I had prepared.

Facts on Seal
-        Can be found in all waters of the world
-        From the Arctic and Antarctic to tropical waters
-        Belong to the order Pinnipedia, which means “fin-footed”
-        Pinnipeds have four flippers one pair in front, and one pair in back
There are 3 different families in the Pinnipedia group:
-        1) Phocidae true seals
-        2) Otaridae fur seals and sea lions
-        -3) Odobenidae walrus
The features of the Pinnipedia group:
-        They are mammals
-        They are warm-blooded
-        Give birth and nurse their young
-        Breathe air
-        Have fur
Seals Diet
-        All seals are carnivores
-        They eat: fish, crustaceans and shellfish

Seals Predator: Orcas (Killer Whale)

