
Learn more about Giraffe

Date: 29th June 2015
Day: Monday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Zoo Animals
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Learn more about Giraffe

 I get the children to spell the word "giraffe" before we start our lesson for today. Then, I get them to tell me what they remember about giraffe that we read about last Friday.

These were their sharing about giraffe:

Yi Ern: Tongue very sticky.
Aiden: The neck is so long.
Qiao Yi: The leg is so long.
Devon: It has a tail.
Xiang Qin: It eats leaves.
Jing Heng: It wants to drink water, it has to open its front leg.
Xin Yee: Giraffe is very tall.

After that, I shared a video about giraffe with the children.

Video Sharing: Giraffe: Animals for Children

From the video, the children finally cleared up their doubts about the name of pattern that they see on a giraffe. It's called spots as well. It's orangey brown spot.

We have another 20 minutes more before we called it a day. Therefore, I divided the class into 2 big groups. Each group I gave them a box of toys. Their task is to form a giraffe together by using all the toys they have. They have to work together. Even though some of them started to get into argument. However, the situation got a little better after one or two members in the group gave in.

Finally, both group managed to form a big giraffe with their toys.


Date: 26th June 2015
Day: Friday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Zoo Animals
Teacher: Teacher Yeong


Today, we moved on to another zoo animals - giraffe. From the information we read from the book, it stated that giraffe is the tallest animal in the world. It's about as tall as a two storey house. I get the children to look outside of their classroom, there are some single storey house and a two storey house. They observed the house and noticed the different in the height. Hopefully, this will make them understand how tall a giraffe is.

The children also noticed that here's some pattern on the body of the giraffe. I asked the children for ideas on how to do an art work on giraffe. They gave quite some but lastly, we decided to try to use egg shells to make the pattern on the giraffe body.

Children were asked to collect egg shells from home.

Since we have about 20 minutes left, we continued with Zi Yue's VCD on Barney going to the zoo.


Why we need to protect elephants?

Date: 25th June 2015
Day: Thursday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Zoo Animals
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Why we need to protect elephants?

We had a discussion about protecting elephants. I explained that people hunt for the elephant for their tusk to make into all sorts of accessories.

At first, the children were quite excited sharing their thoughts about killing the elephant. I have to remind them that we should not be thinking of killing the elephant just because of its tusk. After a few of them who shared their thoughts, finally, I have to make an example of them as elephants and they have to imagine seeing other adult elephants being killed. Then, only they realised that killing is not supposed to be encourage here.

Zi Yue brought a VCD on Barney- Going to the Zoo. I played the VCD for only about 25 minutes today. The children got excited when they saw animals that they could name it out. We shall continued with the VCD tomorrow if we have the time for it.

Worksheet - Elephant

Date: 24th June 2015
Day: Wednesday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Zoo Animals
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Worksheet - Elephant

Today, I prepared a worksheet for the children to work on it. The children needed to name the parts of an elephant. I guided the children to name the parts and I leave some blanks for the children to search for the answer later on.

Then, the children needed to spell "elephant" on their own. They could refer to the vocabulary list or books for it.

This is a sample of the worksheet:


Drawing Elephants

Date: 23rd June 2015
Day: Tuesday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Zoo Animals
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Drawing Elephants

We revised the information and facts that we had learnt about the elephant yesterday. Wow, the children were amazing. They could actually tell most of the information. This help those children who were absent on Monday to understand about elephant.

Then, after that, we read a book that Xiang Qin brought. It's about mammal. I picked the page which related to elephants. From here, we have a better understanding about the usage of the elephant trunk which it used it for breathing, drinking, smelling and eating.

I gave each of them a piece of blank paper to draw elephant on it. It could be a small or big elephant, up to the children to decide.

Here were some of the drawings done:

Yee Shuen

Zi Yue

Xiao Xuan

Xin Yee

Zhi Yi


Jing Heng



Sueanne Low


Xiang Qin

Yong Jun

Qiao Yi



Yi Ern

Leow Xun



Date: 22nd June 2015
Day: Monday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Zoo Animals
Teacher: Teacher Yeong


Today, we moved on to another animal - elephant. Before we moved in further, I get the children to tell me what they know about elephant. 

Jing Heng: It can splash water. (I think he refer to the trunk of the elephant.)
Xiang Qin: It outside got teeth. 
Yi Ern: Got big ears.
Devon: It got long teeth. Hit the leopard.
Zi Yue: She has big legs. 
Yee Shuen: The elephant can step the lion.
Shang En: Elehphant's nose is very long. 
Aiden: The elephant's trunk is very strong.

Aiden brought us a book on safari animals, there's a subtopic about elephant. Therefore, we read about the elephant from there. From the book, we managed to gather some facts and information about elephants. Basically, there were 2 types of elephant - African elephant and Asian elephant.

African Elephant 
- larger than Asian elephant
- has less hair than Asian elephant
- has big fan-shaped ears
- both male and female have tusk

Asian Elephant
- smaller than African elephant
- has more hair than African elephant
- has smaller ears
- only male elephant has tusk

We watched a short video about elephants: Elephants: Animals for Kids


Father's Day Card Making

Date: 18th & 19th June 2015
Day: Thursday & Friday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Zoo Animals
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Father's Day Card Making

I combined the content for these two days as I have guided the children to work on the making of a father's day card for their father.

I found some colourful waste paper and I cut it into small heart shape for the children to work on it later. Then, I gave each of them a half size drawing paper with some colourful A4 paper. With those heart shapes that I gave, the children could show their creativity in this activity.

After that, I also prepared some wordings - " Happy Father's Day" & " I Love You" for them to paste it onto their masterpiece before I punched 2 holes at the top for them to put a pipe cleaner as the hanger. It was suppose to be a drawing for their father.

Here were some of the pictures of the work done:

My Father's Look

Date: 17th June 2015
Day: Wednesday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Zoo Animals
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

My Father's Look

Father's Day is coming soon. It's this coming Sunday. Therefore, I wanted the children to share some thoughts about their father.

After some guidance on how to describe their father, these were their feedback:
(I just jot down the feedback given by the children, nothing has been changed)

Zi Yue: My father looks angry. (Why?) My father scold kor kor.
Sueanne: Me 2 years old, my father not angry with me. Papa scold kor kor.
Chloe: I six years old, my father angry me. (Why?) Because I make my mommy sad. I 5 years old, my father angry me.
Yi Ern: My papa scold my brother and me. Me cry.
Zhi Yi: I six years old, my dad is happy. Because my dad likes me.
Shang En: I papa/father, I 5 years old, he's not angry. I six years old, papa angry.
Xin Yee: I 4 years old, my father no angry me. Now, my father angry me.
Jing Heng: I 4 years old, my father is start angry my brother and sister.
Devon: My father is 1-6 years old no scold me because I'm very good. Because I no do something wrong.
Xiang Qin: My 2 years & 6 years old my father angry. I cry.

Since, most of them gave the feedback about the angry face of their father, therefore, I gave each of them a piece of paper which I have folded it into half. One side of the paper, I get them to draw an angry face of their father. The children requested for about 10 minutes to draw the angry face.

These were some of the pictures of their angry faces:

Once they were done with the angry face, the children flipped their paper and I asked them to draw a happy face of their father. This only took them about 3-5 minutes to complete the drawing. Hopefully with this activity, the children could realized which expression they like the most and what are the things that they needed to do so that their father would show a happy face instead of an angry face.

These were some of the happy and angry faces that the children had drawn: