
Noticeboard Project (part I)

Date: 29th July 2016
Day: Friday
Time: 4:00-5:30 pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Stage Performance - Transportation
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Noticeboard Project (part I)

After the discussion we had yesterday, I decided that the children could work on the noticeboard today. Therefore, I quickly get the task delegated before we all moved outside. Some of the children would work on pasting the water, land and the sky, while some would work on drawing and cutting some clouds, road and railway etc.

For those who had completed their initial task, they could help out the other groups of children before I allowed them to start to draw pictures of transportation on the noticeboard.

We only managed to complete parts of the noticeboard and we shall continue with it on next Monday.

Here were some pictures taken for the activity:


Discussion on Transport Noticeboard Project

Date: 28th July 2016
Day: Thursday
Time: 4:00-5:30 pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Stage Performance - Transportation
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Discussion on Transport Noticeboard Project

Today, I started off by asking the children if they could remember the verb that they heard from the song I played yesterday. Most of them could remember about "driving in my car", "chucking in my train" and not the other two.

Basically, the song introduced the following 4 actions for the vehicles:
- driving in my car
- rowing in my boat
- chucking in my train
- flying in my plane

Then, I suggested that we might be able to work on the blank notice board outside of the classroom and turned it into our transportation theme project. So I get the children to suggest any vehicles that they could put in it.

Leow Xun: car, boat, submarine
Mei Jia: bicycle, ship
Sueanne: bus, roller skate, yacht
Lucas: motorbike
Yun Cong: helicopter
Jia Mao: aeroplane
Rachel: plane
Lik Shin: rocket
Wei Xin: taxi
Thong Yu: bus
Zi Yue: lorry, train
Cheng Kai: aeroplane
Rachel: hot air balloon

Besides vehicles, some of them also suggested that we could add in house, buildings, people, animals, road, traffic lights, run, rainbow, cloud, tree etc into the picture.

Some of them might not be able to imagine what I really meant. Therefore, I showed them a sample from online and they started to understand and could be able to express more. I also brought them outside to look at the notice board. This even gave them a better idea of what we were talking about.

I also played them another song today.

Video: We All Go Traveling By (US)

Transportation Worksheet - Categorize land, water & air transport

Date: 27th July 2016
Day: Wednesday
Time: 4:00-5:30 pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Stage Performance - Transportation
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Transportation Worksheet - Categorize land, water & air transport

We started off today by introducing the action words that they could use with those transportation that they know such as car, train or aeroplane.

I have introduced word like drive, ride, sail, fly etc. The children try to relate those verbs with the vehicles that they know. They could make up some examples such as drive a car, ride a bicycle or fly a plane etc.

After the introduction, we moved on to the next activity for the day. After the activity that we had done yesterday on the 2 posters, I believe that the children had a better idea of what to do with the worksheet today. All the children had brought back the pictures that I gave them to cut at home and they were able to start with it individually without much guidance.

For those who were not sure of where to paste their pictures, they could just refer to the poster that I pasted on the little noticeboard at the side.

It took them about 45 minutes to complete the worksheet. We were left with about 15 minutes. Therefore, I played them a video of a transport song. In this song, the children could listen and sing along the verb used for each vehicles mentioned.

Video: Transport Song

Catergorize the transportation into land, water and air

Date: 26th July 2016
Day: Tuesday
Time: 4:00-5:30 pm
(Wushu Class: 4:00-5:00 pm)
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Stage Performance - Transportation
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Catergorize the transportation into land, water and air

The children practiced their basic stretching by using the chairs as tool. Here were some pictures taken for the class:

Then, we have another about 30 minutes before we called it a day. I had prepared 2 manila cards - pink and green, just like the colour of the colour paper that I gave the children yesterday. On the pink manila card, I put the title as "Land Transport". I divided the green construction paper into half and pasted "Water Transport" and "Air Transport" on it. I have also drawn the pictures according to the worksheet that I gave them yesterday. My purpose of doing so is to let the children paste the transport onto the correct category before they work on their individual worksheet tomorrow.

Here were some pictures taken for this activity:

 This is how the 2 posters look like.


Transportation Worksheet

Date: 25th July 2016
Day: Monday
Time: 4:00-5:30 pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Stage Performance - Transportation
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Transportation Worksheet

Today, I printed out some pictures of all sorts of transportation from land, to water to air. The children needed to colour and cut out the pictures so that they could sort out the transport accordingly.

Some of the children could complete the process of colouring and cutting while some couldn't. As a result, I allowed them to bring it home to complete the colouring and cutting process. Hopefully they could bring it back tomorrow so that we could continue with the worksheet.


Introduction to new topic

Date: 22nd July 2016
Day: Friday
Time: 4:00-5:30 pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Stage Performance - Transport
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Introduction to new topic

We have almost done with the dinosaur topic and the children wanted to move on to the next topic - transport. Before we moved on to the new topic, I shared a story book with them today - Dinosaur Drip by Julia Donaldson & David Roberts. The children enjoyed the story.

Then, we moved into the new topic and the children were very excited and shared a lot of information that they know. Basically, we had covered the transport that traveled across land, air and water. The children had given quite some number of examples. Besides this, the 6 years old children learned about the word - fare from the the phonics class. Therefore, I used this chance to get them to tell me which kind of transport needed to pay fare. Most of the children could understand such concept. Hopefully we could explore a little more about that in the future.

Dinosaur Rhyme - Stage Performance

Date: 21st July 2016
Day: Thursday
Time: 4:00-5:30 pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Stage Performance - Dinosaur
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Dinosaur Rhyme - Stage Performance

I have read a dinosaur rhymes with the children some time ago. The dinosaur rhymes was picked from online. My apologies for not able to remember where I found this dinosaur rhymes from.

The dinosaur rhymes is as followed:

Five little dinosaur, sitting in the swamp,
The first one said, "Let's stomp, stomp, stomp."
The second one said, "It's time for lunch."
The third one said, "Let's munch, munch, munch."
The fourth one said, "Let's stomp some more."
The fifth one said, "Let's roar!"

After rehearsing with the children, I get themselves into 5 in a group and practise the above rhymes so that they could come out and perform it.

In the first round, all the children of each group get to perform the dinosaur rhymes. After that, I picked a few that could speak louder to demonstrate a better version of it.

Here were the video taken of the children performing of the rhymes after the first round:


Art and Craft: Brachiosaurus Bone with Pasta

Date: 20th July 2016
Day: Wednesday
Time: 4:00-5:30 pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Stage Performance - Dinosaur
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Art and Craft: Brachiosaurus Bone with Pasta

I told the children earlier this week that we shall do an art and craft with pasta. I have printed and cut out the shape of the Brachiosaurus and get the children to choose the colour paper that they wanted. Then, each of them would paste the picture of the Brachiosaurus onto the colour paper.

I gave them some spaghetti pasta for them to paste it onto the body of the Brachiosaurus so that it looked like its bone.

Here were some pictures taken during the activity:

Here were some finished work of the children's:

After they have done, I read them a story that Thong Yu brought. Lucas also has a book to share with his fellow classmates.

Dinosaur Story

Date: 19th July 2016
Day: Tuesday
Time: 4:00-5:30 pm
(Wushu Class: 4:00-5:00 pm)
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Stage Performance - Dinosaur
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Dinosaur Story

Today, Wushu teacher get the children to stretch their arms and legs.

I wanted the children to think out of a story on their own so that we could use it for our stage performance. Yet, not many of them could actually tell out their story. This is a story told by Leow Xun in Mandarin and I briefly jotted it down on the board.

Her story of dinosaur:

One day, in the dinosaur world, Brachiosaurus' mum wanted to go to the supermarket. Little Brachiosaurus will have to stay at home to look after the house. However, he's bored. He went out to look for his friend. He found Seismosaurus but he was also left alone at home and couldn't come out and play. Then, He went to look for Plateosaurus. They played together. Little Brachiosaurus had forgotten about his mum. When Little Brachiosaurus' mum got home and couldn't find him, she went out to look for him and found him playing with Plateosaurus. However, Little Brachiosaurus didn't want to go home. Therefore, Little Brachiosaurus' mum used the neck to wrap around him and dragged him home. 

Stegosaurus Worksheet (Part II)

Date: 18th July 2016
Day: Monday
Time: 4:00-5:30 pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Stage Performance - Dinosaur
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Stegosaurus Worksheet (Part II)

Some of the children only did half way of their worksheet from last Friday. Therefore, I quickly got those to complete their worksheet today.

Here were some pictures taken for the activity:

At the same time, I have also collected some books related to dinosaur for the children to browse through during their free time in the class. There were some storybooks, some encyclopedia, some drawing books etc. I went through the basket of books with the children and with the hope that they could pick and read them.

Mei Jia brought a toy dinosaur that she wanted to show me. Therefore, I took a picture of her as well.


Stegosaurus Worksheet

Date: 15th July 2016
Day: Friday
Time: 4:00-5:30 pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Stage Performance - Dinosaur
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Stegosaurus Worksheet

Today, I told the children that we shall introduced the last 3 dinosaur for the time being so that we could move on to the major part of our theme. Lik Shin asked if I could picked a flying dinosaur this time. I checked his book and found these 3 dinosaur to introduced:

Triassic period - Eudimorphodon which is a flying dinosaur that eat meat. It always fly very low at the sea water and feed on fish.

Jurassic period - Stegosaurus which has plates on its body and spikes at its tail. It's a plant-eater with small head and a big body.

Cretaceous period - Velociraptor is a meat eater. It is very clever and hunts in group. It's a much smaller size dinosaur compared to Tyrannosaurus.

Today, I didn't get the children to draw the dinosaur that they learned. However, I have prepared a stegosaurus worksheet for them to do. The children needed to colour the body of the Stegosaurus and then, they needed to choose either triangle or pentagon as the plates on the body of their Stegosaurus picture later.

Once they were done with the colouring, the children cut out the body of the Stegosaurus and the plates and pasted them onto the colour paper that I have prepared for them.

Triceratops, Brachiosaurus, Ichthyosaurus

Date: 14th July 2016
Day: Thursday
Time: 4:00-5:30 pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Stage Performance - Dinosaur
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Triceratops, Brachiosaurus, Ichthyosaurus

Yesterday, the children did some drawing on the dinosaur that I introduced - Tyrannosaurus, Seismosaurus & Plateosaurus. Here were some pictures drawn by the children:

Today, we were going to learn another 3 dinosaurs. We followed the pattern that we did yesterday, we chose a dinosaur from each period of time.

We chose Ichtyhosaurus which is a sea creature during the Triassic period. Then, we chose Brachiosaurus from Jurassic period as requested by the children. Lastly, we chose Triceratops from Cretaceous period as I believe it's quite a unique dinosaur to study.

Then, same as yesterday, the children drew the dinosaur that they learned today on the piece of paper. Then, we called it a day.