
Review on Fun Facts about Octopus

Date: 9th April 2014
Day: Wednesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm      
Class: Pomegranate      
Theme: Underwater World
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Review on Fun Facts about Octopus

We had a review about the fun facts that the children had seen from the video yesterday.

The children could tell most of the facts that they had seen and some even reminded me about those I had left out.

Teacher: Do you remember how to say octopus’ in plural form? Such as 2, 3, or more…?
Children: Octopi…..octopodes…..octopuses.
Teacher: How many tentacles does an octopus have?
Children: 8.
Teacher: There are suction cups in each tentacle. How many rows each? Do you remember?
Kern Ee: 2 rows.
Teacher: All varieties of octopuses are venomous. Do you remember what is venomous?
Derek: Poisonous.
Teacher: Which octopus are the most venomous one?
Derek: Blue ringed octopus.
Teacher: How many human beings can the blue ringed octopus kill in a few minutes?
Teng Hong: Eer….6…
Teacher: A little more..twenty…
Teng Hong: 26
Teacher: Octopus is good at something..?
Derek: Can see.
Teacher: Yes, it has a good eyesight. What can’t an octopus do?
Kwan Ming: Can’t hear.
Teacher: Poor hearing.
Teacher: What else did we missed out?
Harraz: Squeeze through a hole.
Teacher: Do you know how the octopus can go through that?
Kern Ee: No bone.
Teacher: Do you all have bones?
Children: Yes.
Teacher: Can you squeeze yourself through a small hole?
Children: No.
Teacher: The tentacles will grow back once it drops. Let say the octopus is yellow, when it moves towards a green colour thing, what will happen?
Kwan Ming: Change colour.
Teacher: Do you remember what other sea creatures will also change colour?
Children: Seahorse…..jellyfish….
Teacher: When an octopus sees a shark coming, what will the octopus do?
Jing Heng: Splash like that. (He did an action showing how the octopus eject the ink.)
Teacher: What is that?
Aiden: Ink.
Teacher: What’s the colour?
Children: Black.
Teacher: How do we call a female octopus? [There was a silence across the floor.]
Teacher: What do we call the female chicken.
Kwan Ming: Hen.

I think that’s all we had for our review this time. The children had learned the fun facts of the octopus.

At the same time, these vocabularies are also introduced:

blue ringed octopus
suction cups

