
Happy Happy Transportation - Show and Tell

Date: 20th February 2013
Day: Wednesday
Time: 4:30 – 5:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Happy, Happy Transportation – Show and Tell

Show and Tell session is to encourage the children to share about the toy vehicles that they brought. However, only 4 children brought their toys. They are Jun Qian, Kwan Ming, Bee Chien and Zhen Yuan.

So we started off with Jun Qian. He brought a motorcycle. He talked briefly about his motorcycle.

Then Bee Chien was the next to share about his toys. He brought 3 toy vehicles here which is a fighting jet, a jeep and a helicopter.

Then it’s should be Kwan Ming’s turn. He is quite shy and refused to come out to talk about his toy vehicles. After a some encouragements from the children and I, he braved himself to stand in front of the class to talk about it. He talked about his favourite green racing car, a truck and a long trailer. He interacted quite well with his classmates. This is a good start for him.

Then the last one was Zhen Yuan. He shared about his purple racing car. I guess racing cars are popular toy vehicles among the boys.  

The rest of the class said they will try to bring their toy vehicles to share with their classmates this week. So we shall have the show and tell session until this Friday. 

