

Date: 15th May 2014
Day: Thursday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm      
Class: Pomegranate      
Theme: Walking with Dinosaur
Teacher: Teacher Yeong


As I had promised the children that I would go into Tyrannosaurus after Brachiosaurus. Therefore, today we went through some simple detail about Tyrannosaurus.

Some simple facts that we went through today:-
-          Tyrannosaurus is also called T-Rex
-          Tyrannosaurus means the “king of the tyrant lizard”
-          Tyrannosaurus is about 3-4 metres tall and about 11-12 metres long
-          Elephant (4.5 metres tall) and Brachiosaurus (13 metres tall) are much taller than Tyrannosaurus
-          Sperm Whale (20 metres long) is much longer than a Tyrannosaurus
-          Tyrannosaurus is a meat-eater

I also got some children with different height to pretend to be the Tyrannosaurus, elephant and Brachiosaurus in order for the children to understand where does the Tyrannosaurus stands.

Then we continued with the movie – “Walking with Dinosaur” that we had stopped yesterday. In this last part of the movie, it shows that Patchi managed to fight away the T-Rex. The children even cheered for Patchi’s braveness. Wow, the movie really stirs up the spirit.

Therefore, I asked the children to share some thoughts about the movie that they had watched. With some guidance, the children managed to tell me that Patchi is the leader; Patchi is very brave and fight away the dinosaur; Sowler is bad; Sowler brought the group to the ice; Patchi saved them from falling into the water etc. 

