
Book Sharing – Giant Cake

Date: 25th June 2014
Day: Wednesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm      
Class: Pomegranate      
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Book Sharing – Giant Cake

Since we mentioned about giant yesterday, therefore, I wanted to share another interesting story book today – Giant Cake.

This short story is about a petty baker who loves to bake but he never invited the children to taste his cake. One day, came a fairy and with the waved of her wand, the cake that the baker baked flew off into the sky. As it flew higher, it gets bigger. Suddenly, “Ping” “Pa” the giant cake burst into small pieces of cake. All the villagers including the baker himself came to the scene to have a share of the cake.

From that day onwards, the baker became generous and he always bakes cakes and invited the children to taste his cake.

Art & Craft – Draw out your favourite food

The children kept telling me of their favourite food. Therefore, I gave each of them a piece of paper to draw their favourite food. Some of them could draw a lot while some only a few. I shall let the children share their drawings tomorrow. 

