
Movie - Chef (part IV)

Date: 10th April 2015
Day: Friday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: Occupations
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Movie - Chef (part IV)

Today, we finished off the last 10 minutes of the movie.

Carl brought Percy back to his ex-wife place and told Percy that he needed to go back to school. After some consideration, Carl agreed that Percy could help out at the food truck during weekends or school holiday. Ramsey Michel came to try his food and he loves it. He offered Carl to work at a restaurant belongs to him and he could cook whatever food that he enjoyed. Carl took up the offer and after 6 months, he also patched up with ex-wife and he is quite successful in his career.

After that movie, I get the children to share their thoughts or their favourite part of the movie that they like:-

Chloe: When they get together. Carl Casper cooked the food looks delicious.
Jing Heng: I like the food truck because he buys the things to move it inside the food truck. A lot of customers come.
Zi Yue: I like the food truck because he writes on the blackboard. Everybody can see.
Yee Shuen: I like the bread. It looks delicious.
Aiden: When they get together. I'm happy for them.
Zhi Yi: I like the food truck. The food is yummy.
Li Chiuan: I like the food because the food is very delicious. The food truck looks nice. They washed the food truck.

