
Revision on the things we learned from "Chef"

Date: 13th April 2015
Day: Monday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: Occupations
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Revision on the things we learned from "Chef"

From the movie, the children understand that a chef works in a restaurant. Besides cooking, the chef also needs to guide his staff and workers to work peacefully and harmony in the kitchen.

Then, the children mentioned about few vocabulary for chef - chef, food truck, restaurant

I asked the children if they know what a menu is. They said no. Then, I reminded the children to flash back the picture of the food truck. There was a blackboard on the truck itself where Carl will write down the menu for the day. Then, suddenly, the children realized the usage of the blackboard on the truck.

From here, I get the children to name me food that they thing they could put it on a menu. Some said, fried chicken, while some said spaghetti.

We might carry out the role play for chef tomorrow if the time permits.

