
Preparation of Making Board Game

Date: 22nd March 2015
Day: Friday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Zoo Animals
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Preparation of Making Board Game

With the figures that I have gathered from the children, I guided them to cut out some colours paper to make it into square boxes as their steps. Each piece of colour paper will make into 24 pieces of squares, therefore, I prepare a few pieces for them as long as it's sufficient to cover the 180 steps that they needed.

Most of the children work in pairs while some work individually. All of them quickly get the paper cut and all gathered into the basket that I prepared.

After that, each group was given 60 pieces of assorted square colour papers to be arranged on the manila card that they have chosen. The children could arranged in all sorts of way as long as there's a starting point with an ending point.

The children managed to complete it today. We shall continue with other details next week.

