
Different types of hunting and tiger

Date: 30th July 2015
Day: Thursday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Zoo Animals
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Different types of hunting and tiger

Today, we focused on the different types of hunting that the tiger would used. Basically there were 3 of it,
- walking closer and closer towards its prey
- giving an ambush (waiting for the prey to come closer)
- attacking animals by the water side (tiger is not afraid of water)

We also learned that the cubs will stay with their mother tiger for about 18 months before leaving the group. There will be a ceremony for it. The strongest tiger will leave the group by sucking the mum's nibbles for the last time. I find the children seems to look a little sad when they heard that the cubs are leaving the family. Therefore, I quickly went through it and move on to another part of the encyclopedia.

The children also noticed that the tiger will scratch the tree trunk. They asked what the tiger is doing. There were a few ways for the tiger to mark their territory.
- to pee on a spot, usually on the tree
- to wipe its saliva onto the tree
- to leave scratch marks on the tree bark

The children were quite amused when they learned that tiger pee at the tree. I get them to imagine what dogs love to do. Then, they seems to understand it. Two tigers will defend their territory no matter how.

There also introduced Siberian Tiger in the book which it only looked a little different on their face. They look much bulkier.

Tomorrow we shall carry out the art and craft for tiger.

