
What is space? What's so interesting about space?

Date: 11th August 2016
Day: Thursday
Time: 4:00-5:30 pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Stage Performance - Space
Teacher: Ms Yeong

What is space? What's so interesting about space?

I have gave some brief explanation to the children on the day before about space. However, only a few of them understand it.

Therefore, today, I guided the children to tell me what they know about space. Some mentioned about sun, star, moon, astronauts, space rocket etc.

We also talked a little about gravity and there's no gravity in space. The children also mentioned that the other teacher had shown them a video about how the astronauts pass urine in the spacecraft by using a bag.

Then, I did ask the children of their interest in space. I wanted to know what make space so special to them.

Some mentioned that space is scary, some mentioned that space is fun. Some even said that space got alien. All sorts of imagination.

Tomorrow we shall talk about the planets. Hopefully the children could focus as space is quite an abstract topic for some children.

