
My Father's Look

Date: 17th June 2015
Day: Wednesday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: I Love Zoo Animals
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

My Father's Look

Father's Day is coming soon. It's this coming Sunday. Therefore, I wanted the children to share some thoughts about their father.

After some guidance on how to describe their father, these were their feedback:
(I just jot down the feedback given by the children, nothing has been changed)

Zi Yue: My father looks angry. (Why?) My father scold kor kor.
Sueanne: Me 2 years old, my father not angry with me. Papa scold kor kor.
Chloe: I six years old, my father angry me. (Why?) Because I make my mommy sad. I 5 years old, my father angry me.
Yi Ern: My papa scold my brother and me. Me cry.
Zhi Yi: I six years old, my dad is happy. Because my dad likes me.
Shang En: I papa/father, I 5 years old, he's not angry. I six years old, papa angry.
Xin Yee: I 4 years old, my father no angry me. Now, my father angry me.
Jing Heng: I 4 years old, my father is start angry my brother and sister.
Devon: My father is 1-6 years old no scold me because I'm very good. Because I no do something wrong.
Xiang Qin: My 2 years & 6 years old my father angry. I cry.

Since, most of them gave the feedback about the angry face of their father, therefore, I gave each of them a piece of paper which I have folded it into half. One side of the paper, I get them to draw an angry face of their father. The children requested for about 10 minutes to draw the angry face.

These were some of the pictures of their angry faces:

Once they were done with the angry face, the children flipped their paper and I asked them to draw a happy face of their father. This only took them about 3-5 minutes to complete the drawing. Hopefully with this activity, the children could realized which expression they like the most and what are the things that they needed to do so that their father would show a happy face instead of an angry face.

These were some of the happy and angry faces that the children had drawn:

