
Things in Golden - Part III

Date: 3rd July 2013
Day: Wednesday
Time: 3:30-4:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Things in Golden (Part III)

Today, we continued with the sharing of things in golden. I brought some jewelleries such as ring, earrings, necklace, anklet and bracelet for the children to have a look at it.

At the same time, this would be the vocabulary for the children to go through.


Yesterday during the video, the children noticed something about the comparison of colours and a phrase was used. The children couldn’t really catch what it was. So today, I used this chance to demonstrate that part again. Basically, it’s comparing lighter and darker colours.

First, I used green to demonstrate lighter and the lightest of all by adding different volume of white colour poster paint into the green colour. Then I used red colour to demonstrate darker and the darkest of all by adding black colour to red colour gradually. The children somehow understand the concept of that phrase.

Then we ended the class by playing the colour game. This time, the colour that the children were to look up is “golden” colour. 

