
Cloudy with a Chance of ......

Date: 17th July 2014
Day: Thursday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm      
Class: Pomegranate      
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Cloudy with a Chance of …..

Today, we did an activity related to the movie that the children watched last week. The children had started to talk about the food they saw from the movie such as cheese burger, donut, ice cream etc.

Therefore, I prepare a worksheet for them to fill in the blank. The sentence goes like this – “Cloudy with a Chance of ……”

The children will decide what to fill in the blank and draw a picture in the cloud.

Movie – Cloudy with a Chance of Meatball 2

The children actually asked me last week if they could continue with the second CD this week. I told them we shall see if we got time to watch it. I will split the movie into a few days as we still needed to carry out some activities along with our theme.

Today, I only played about 15 minutes of the movie for them to watch.

This time, Flint saved Shallow Fall. However, there are a lot of big size leftovers in the island. Chester V from Live Corp who produce food bar for livings voluntarily wanted to help to clean up the island but the town people needed to be evacuated.

Flint was being offered to work on new inventions at Live Corp. Unfortunately his invention was not being picked. He went home sadly.

