
Purple Colour

Date: 26th August 2013
Day: Monday
Time: 3:30-4:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

New Chapter of Colour – Purple

Today, we started with purple colour. We revised all the purple colour things that we went through last Friday.

Then I introduced a nursery poem to the children, it’s “Little Jack Horner”. The words are as followed:

Little Jack Horner
Sat in the corner
Eating a Christmas pie
He put in his thumb
And pulled out a plum
And said “What a good boy am I!”

I got the children to change the word “plum” into other purple fruits or food that could appear in a pie. The children happily changed it to “grapes, eggplant, mangosteen, dragon fruit” etc.

We saw some purple bougainvillea outside of the classroom. So I got the children to pick those bougainvilleas that had dropped on the ground to paste it on the paper that I gave each of them. After that, the children try their best to make sentences by using “purple flower” in their sentences.

These are the sentences that the children had made:

1)      The purple flower is beautiful.
2)      The purple flower looks like a butterfly.
3)      This is a purple flower.
4)      I love the purple flower.
5)      I can make bookmark with the purple flower.

The children chose 2 sentences and write it on the paper together with their flower. 

Pasting the bougainvilleas onto the paper

Bee Chien: Mine is a lily.

Kwan Ming patiently pasting his flower onto the paper.

