
Summary for Orange....New chapter for Purple

Date: 23rd August 2013
Day: Friday
Time: 3:30-4:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Summary for Orange and New Chapter for Purple

Today, we went through all the items about orange colour and then we end the colour theme. The next colour that we shall move on is purple. This is the last colour that we shall focus next week and the colour theme will come to an end.

The children seems a little disappointed to know that we are ending the colour theme so soon as they still wanted to do some other colours as well. I told the children we shall see if we could cover any other colour besides purple next week. We shall see how the progress of the class schedule.

So we had a brainstorming session today about things in purple. This time round, the children were more alert about what I’m looking for. They start to think hard for things in purple instead of telling me about purple chair, table or T-shirt.

Teacher: Can you tell me things in purple that you know?
Children: Grape….grape fruit (the flesh)….
The children were thinking hard but couldn’t continue from here. I hinted them with pictures yet they still can’t get it. So I listed some items out for them.
Teacher: Plum….prunes….egg plant or brinjal….

I suggested that next Monday would be our purple day where children could wear some purple on. However, some of the children claimed that they don’t have any purple clothing. As a result, I told the children to try their best to bring something in purple to share for next week, not necessary to be on Monday itself.

