
Brand New Start - Theme Topic Voting

Date: 5th January 2015
Day: Monday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: -
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Brand New Start - Theme Topic Voting

It's year 2015! Welcome back to our blog! This year, we have about 11 6 years old children together with about 7 new 5 years old children. It's another brand new class. I do hope that the 6 years old children would guide the new children through the process of the thematic learning here.

Without much delay, I get the children to vote for the new topic for their English thematic class. These were the topics that they had suggested:

1) colours
2) transportation
3) occupations
4) clothing/dress

Each child could only vote twice. Therefore, they have to be sure which topic they were interested. After a round of voting, colours & occupations got the same votes. As a result, I have to get the children to decide again which one they want the most. Finally, "occupation" got the most votes.

Our new thematic topic would be - occupations.

Hopefully parents could co-operate in providing materials on books, vcd or even movies about occupations that they could find.

