Date: 23rd January 2015
Day: Friday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: Occupations
Teacher: Teacher Yeong
Role Play - Veterinarian & Patients
Today, we had role play session for the subtopic - veterinarian. I prepared some worksheets for the veterinarian to ask their patients.
We started off with 4 children who act as the veterinarian and 4 act as patients with their pets while the rest of the class shall wait for their turn. Once the 4 veterinarian had done with their parts, those who acted as patients will switch to be veterinarian and I picked a new group of 4 patients for them. This is how the children did the turns for their role play. The children had fun playing with it. They could co-operate while using the toys as well. I'm happy to see that.
The doctor toys that we provided for the children. |
Chloe is asking questions about Qiao Yi's pet. |
Aiden is the vet. |
Leow Xun checking the "patient". |
Jing Heng is jotting down the record. |
Chloe checking the "patient". |
Sueanne prescribing medicine for Xiang Qin's pet. |
Zhi Yi is recording the details for Lucas' pet. |
Qiao Yi checking Yee Shuen's pet. |
Li Chuan checking the "patient". |
Xiang Qin giving a shot to Shang En's pet. |
Xin Yee is checking Yi Ern's pet. |
Zi Yue is the vet checking Xiao Xuan's pet. |
Yee Shuen giving a shot to Chloe's pet. |
Yi Ern checking the "patient"'s eye. |
Xiao Xuan checking Sueanne's pet. |
Shang En said,"Aah!" |
Yi Ern checking Aiden's pet. |