
Art Project - Paper Mache (Bowl) - Part II

Date: 1st October 2015
Day: Thursday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: Water is so FUN!
Teacher: Ms  Yeong

Art Project - Paper Mache (Bowl) - Part II

Today, we started off by getting the homemade glue done.  It was my first time doing this, I didn't realise that I have put in too much of cold water. No matter how much of hot water I put in, it didn't change its form. Finally, I have to ask the favour of our headmistress to demonstrate it. The children were amazed to see the changes of hot water in the tapioca flour.

Once, the homemade glue was ready, the children started their paper mache project. Some of them were quite patiently paste it for a few layers while some just pasted a few sheets and left the table. I have to help out to put in more layers for those which looked quite thin. We shall let the bowls get dry and see if we could paint it tomorrow.

Here were some pictures taken during the activity:

