
Art Project - Paper Mache (Bowl) - Part V

Date: 6th October 2015
Day: Tuesday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: Water is so FUN!
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Art Project - Paper Mache (Bowl) - Part V

Some of the bowls were still dam with the water colour from last evening. We might have to postpone the decorating session to tomorrow. Therefore, we used today's time to have our writing session and Phonics class.

We only used about 15 minutes to get the children to share their idea of what they could do with their beautiful bowls. Some said they wanted to put their toys in it, some said they wanted to put their beautiful hair band in it. Leow Xun even asked if she could use the bowls for food. I told her that this bowl is made from paper and with those water colours, it's not suitable for food usage.

Even though it was raining outside, however, due to the haze weather lately, it's not advisable to go out to enjoy the rainy day. The children seem to be a little disappointed. Yet, they still could understand the condition of the weather recently and follow the lessons patiently.

