
Collage Work on Plane

Date: 15th May 2013
Day: Wednesday
Time: 4:30 – 5:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Happy, happy Transportation – Collage Work on Plane

Today, we continued with the art work the children had half done yesterday. I gave them each a piece of paper from the magazine and get them to tear and paste on the plane that they had drawn yesterday. This is to practise their fine motor skill and the combination of the eye as the children needs to paste the collage paper inside the line so that the shape of the plane is visible.

Most of the children don’t exactly know where to start. Therefore, I went around and see who managed to get the collage done and showed it to other children. From there, they got the idea how to do it and managed to complete their work on their own. Only a few of them drew their picture too big and they need some guidance on how to complete their collage art.

Some children did it quite neatly and colourful. They are very creative in choosing the colours.

Oh, it's so sticky!

Mine is an Air Asia plane!

My plane is very colourful

