
Discussion about Titanic's sinking

Date: 7th May 2013
Day: Tuesday
Time: 4:30 – 5:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Happy, happy transportation – Discussion about Titanic

Today, we had a discussion about the video that the children had watched last Friday.

Teacher: What’s the name of the ship that we watched last Friday?
Children: Titanic.
Teacher: What kind of ship is that?
Children: (stunned for a while, not sure what to say, until I gave a hint) Liners
Teacher: Can a liner take many passengers?
Children: Yes.
Teacher: Does the liners have sail?
Children: No. No. Sail boat got.
Teacher: Yes, sail boat has sails but not liners. What other boats or ship got sails?
Children: Yacht. Tall ship. Pirate ship.
Teacher: Haha, yes, pirate ship. What kind of ship is the pirate ship?
Children: It’s a tall ship.
Teacher: What happen to Titanic?
Children: Titanic bang the iceberg. The ship wants to turn but cannot. (Wow, they still remember about “iceberg”, good!)
Teacher: Yes, titanic crashed into the iceberg.
Children: Want to turn. Cannot turn. So crashed.
Teacher: The iceberg is floating or sinking?
Children: Float.
Teacher: After Titanic hit the iceberg. What happen to Titanic?
Children: Water go in to the ship. Broken and sink.
Teacher: Why Titanic can’t see the iceberg?
Children: Got smoke. (I corrected it as fog.)
Teacher: The weather is very cold at that time, so got fog. Fog will block our sight in front.
Children: Genting also got fog. (It is a very good example that the children can relate to.)

So today, we ended the session for water transportation. We shall move on to air transportation by next week. This week is Mother’s Day. We shall have some activities about Mother’s Day.

We did a worksheet on categorization of transportation and connecting the dots. 

