
Read on Supreme Scrambled Eggs

Date: 18th September 2014
Day: Thursday
Time: 10:00-11:00am
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Read on Supreme Scrambled Eggs

We are still working on protein project this week. Therefore, I found another simple recipe that the children might be able to do it on their own with very little of supervision. With using the same book, "Cooking with Kids" we read through the procedure and steps about how to cook the supreme scrambled eggs. 

Basically the ingredients that we needed were as followed:
1) 6 eggs
2) some milk
3) some salt and pepper
4) some butter

We shall carry out this activity on next Tuesday. 

Some of the children requested to colour their worksheet that they had just completed yesterday. Therefore I allowed them to continue with it. 

