
Worksheet - Pumpkin Seeds with numbers

Date: 2nd September 2014
Day: Tuesday
Time: 10:00-11:00am
Class: Pomegranate
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Worksheet - Pumpkin Seeds with numbers

I wanted to make use of the pumpkin seeds that the children had dug out from the pumpkin last week. So I prepared a worksheet for the children to work on it today. I divided the paper into 6 column equally. Then in each column I wrote numbers from one to six. None of the paper has the same sequence of numbers written on it. Therefore, the children themselves have to recognise the numbers and paste the pumpkin seeds on it accordingly. 

Before I hand out the worksheet to them, we did some practice on the whiteboard. From my observation, most of the children could recognise "one" to "six". Only a few of them got some numbers mixed up. At the last part. I wrote the number and the children draw the dots accordingly. With the correct answer, I left it on the whiteboard as a reference for the children. 

Some of the children could do it without referring to the whiteboard, while some kept looking at it for an answer. 

We shall continue with the pumpkin colouring and language activity that the children had not completed last week. 

