
Art & Craft - The Bus (part II)

Date: 5th March 2013
Day: Tuesday
Time: 4:30pm- 5:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Happy, Happy Transportation – Art and Craft – The Bus (part II)

There were some children were not around when I was sharing the story yesterday – Percy Got Stuck. So I read the story to them again today. Then the children also help to recall back what had happened to Percy.

After that, we continued with the art and craft – colouring the bus. Most of the children had completed their colouring part and started to cut the shape of the bus out. I just drew a outer line for the children to follow the lines to cut out their bus in a better shape.

Tomorrow we shall do the water colour painting of the wheels of the vehicles. So the children were told to wear old clothes to avoid paint on their pretty shirt or dress. Besides that, the children can also bring any of their toy vehicles for the painting as long as the toy can be wash in water. 

