
Types of Freight Train

Date: 15th March 2013
Day: Friday
Time: 4:30pm- 5:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Happy, Happy Transportation – Type of Freight Train

The purpose of the class today is to introduce another train song & type of freight train. We started off with the introduction of the song – Chug, Chug, Chug, sang in the tune of Jingle Bell.
The lyrics are as followed:

Chug, chug, chug; Chug, chug, chug,
Chugging down the track.
See our little choo-choo train
Chugging down and back.
We are cars – all lined up,
Chugging just like so.
Hear our whistle toot-toot-toot
As down and back we go.

Story book sharing session – Bulgy Rides again
Phoeon brought a story book for sharing today. It is from the Thomas & friends series. The story is about Bulgy who is a double decker bus. It has been put aside due to his misbehaviour which caused a crash. It has been turned into a hen house. During summer time, Thomas and Emily were sent for repair. There’s not enough of train to pick up passengers. The Fat Controller decided to get Bulgy back on the road. However, Bulgy impatient ruined the whole situation. Bulgy felt sad and decided not to pick anymore passengers but to help the farmers to sell vegetables. He didn't feel jealous anymore seeing Thomas picking up those passengers.

Introduction to different type of Freight Train
There are different types of freight train used for different purposes. This is to give some idea for the children when they design their train next week with their boxes and bottles.

There are hopper car, box car, flat car, tank car and caboose.

Dear parents, kindly collect all kinds of box or bottles materials such as shoe box, or any kind of rectangular box (can be small or big), or vitagen bottle, soft drinks can or whatever materials which are suitable for making a train by next week.

