
Art & Craft - Traffic Light

Date: 7th March 2013
Day: Thursday
Time: 4:30 – 5:30pm
Class: Pomegranate
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Happy, Happy Transportation – Art & Craft – Traffic Light

On the road, we often see a lot of signs on the road for driver to follow. Just like our school rules. Traffic light is one of it that gives instruction when comes to a junction.

Teacher: What’s the colour of a traffic light.
Children: Red, yellow and green.
Teacher: What is red for?
Children: Stop.
Teacher: Good. How about green?
Children: To go.
Teacher: What about yellow?
Children: Slow down.
Teacher: Why do we need to have a traffic light?
Children: To give people to stop and go.
Teacher: Yes, traffic light is important when it comes to a junction where cars need to give chance for other to move. 

We sang a song about traffic light – Traffic Light (tune: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)

Twinkle, twinkle, traffic light
Standing on the corner bright
Green means go, we all know
Yellow means wait, even if you're late
Red means stop
Twinkle, twinkle, traffic light
Standing on the corner bright

Then children cut out the circle of a red, yellow and green and paste it on the black colour paper to make it into a traffic light. This is to practice their small motor skill. Somehow, the children have improved on their cutting skills.

